Steingraeber D-232

$ 199,490 
The D-232 is a conventional grand piano for professionals, universities, and mid-sized halls, measuring 7'7" in length. The new capo d'astro bar is notably beneficial to a singing tone, from the softest pianissimo to the most vigorous forte; this capo d'astro bar is the only one of its kind in the world, covering 46 notes. This piano is best suited for medium-sized auditoriums as a solo and chamber music instrument. The Bagsvrd Kirke in Copenhagen, a monument of twentieth-century architectural history, is currently the most famous place for a D-232. The design for this custom-made Steingraeber D-232 was created by Jrn Utzon, the architect of the Sydney Opera House, and his son Jan completed the job at the Steingraeber factory.
  • Dimensions
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    in x
  • Weight
$ 1,000 
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